Use Bidvertiser to Earn Money  

Display the BidVertiser text ads on your website or blog, get paid for every click and have the payments sent directly to your PayPal account.

What makes BidVertiser different from other ad networks?

Other ad networks (like Google and Overture)
Ads control
Targeting your ads according to keywords - this gives you no control over the ads that will be displayed on your site.

Price-per-click is always determined by the keywords, not by the quality of your website - this may cause a paradox where your high-quality site will get the same price-per-click as other low-quality site gets, just because you have a similar content.

Ads are served based on the text of your site, what makes the following sites unsuitable for those networks: 1. Sites with little content. 2. Flash sites. 3. Sites with content pages that change frequently. 4. Web pages that require a login.


Ads control
Advertisers bid against each other directly on your ad space - you Have full control over the ads displayed on your site.

The price-per-click you get is based on the quality and popularity of your website. The more popular and appealing your site is, the higher price-per-click you will get.

Ads are served based on our 3rd generation bidding-based system, a system that accepts all sites, including flash sites, sites with little content and password-protected pages

You know Google Terms and condition are so tuff so its a better alternate to signup and Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser

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